rss / atom

the neverending discussion.
Atom is not RSS and therefore it was not called ie. RSS 3.0
For me it does not matter what kind of format is being used: I choose the tool what can read it. A very good example in the comments of Adam was about images: jpeg, gif, png etc. etc. They are different, have same goal and do exist next to each other without any problem.

Many readers of this weblog know that I run:
offering RSS 0.91 feeds to readers who want to read sites without rss ..
RSS 0.91 does serve my needs and others. The aggegrator can read all formats but does still lack OPML ..

I can understand that some people need extra features other than others
So use what you want to use and not only focus on one certain standard. If your tool does not serve your needs: you need to switch to another tool or wait for an update.

Damn – solution?

Thanks to some comments and some linux commands (like dmesg) I found maybe a solution for the qube. I came across the problem about:
Unable to load interpreter /lib/
I changed the file-max (which was 4096) to 32768

echo 32768 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

so let’s see if this helps. (I think not, cause I still see the error. So I think my Qube needs more memory)

Typepad Launched for France

Typepad launched the french site.

Wow. looking at prices: $ = €
Prices from: 4.95, 8,95 to 14,95 with the exchange rates right now you are better of paying in $. And still I think that many ‘dutch’ users will find this too expensive.

Many other services are in Holland available.
As Typepad is looking to cooperate with various ISP’s I’m looking forward to such kind of development.

Bob you have a market to explore !!



where the hell can I find the LOAD of the Linux machine I have ?
Okay I see that the load is rising high trough uptime, but where the hell can I find out where it is coming from?

9:31pm up 3 days, 14:37, 1 user, load average: 36.41, 41.03, 28.48

I’m serious fed-up with it cause I do not know where it is comming from :-0(
with ps -aux I saw a lot of mysql requests (too much connections suddenly) but no idea where they do came from.

cause normally the load is not more than: 1 or 2



Really busy with today.
Adding some feeds, fixing a feed to have valid URL’s again and discussing with users how to request feeds etc..

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