****************************************************************************************************** Configuring Thomson Speedtouch 510 for use with SNMP to get statistics with MRTG By Dennis Slagers http://www.aroundmyroom.com/blog 10-08-2004 Usage: MRTG under Linux This document is published under Creative Commons License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/ When you notice the name of author and refer to the original text and copy this license condition you can copy this text and use it for various purposes. ****************************************************************************************************** Used: Thomson Speedtouch 510 ADSL modem Analog v4 (4 ports ethernet) Firmware version Downloaded from: http://www.speedtouch.nl/downloads/510_Upgrade_427.exe Downloaded the ST500 CLI Reference Guide (PDF format) http://www.speedtouch.com/pdf/ST500 CLI Reference Guide R4.2.pdf http://www.speedtouch.com/pdf/ST500%20CLI%20Reference%20Guide%20R4.2.pdf Find the SNMP Commands [page 346 and further] [*** USING TELNET TO CONFIGURE/activate SNMP ***] Telnet to your Speedtouch 510 use the standard IP or the one you configured. In my example I used an extra internal IP address: telnet login: admin check if SNMP is enabled: snmp list [snmp]=>list NO COMMUNITY NAMES SPECIFIED, SNMP IS SWITCHED OFF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- Specify at least one community name to enable snmp -- Enter the following command sequence: snmp config [options] [RWCommunity = ] [ROCommunity = ] [sysContact = ] [sysName = ] [sysLocation = ] ie. snmp config RWCommunity = private snmp config ROCommunity = public snmp config sysContact = "john doe" snmp config sysName = "my adsl modem" snmp config sysLocation = "my place" SNMP is enabled now, you can use MRTG to configure the statistics [*** CONFIGURING MRTG FOR USE WITH THOMSON SPEEDTOUCH 510 ***] start checking the functionalities of the speedtouch with MRTG this is simple: start with 'cfgmaker' this is a very simple commandline with a workdir and the output to a config file Of course you can check the SNMP stuff with SNMPWalk /usr/bin/snmpwalk public The MRTG Command /cfgmaker --global 'Workdir: /home/groups/home/web/mrtg/' --output /home/groups/home/web/mrtg/speedtouch.cfg [OUTPUT example file: SPEEDTOUCH.CFG also to be found the scripts folder] Notes: in my example I use Interfaces: *** 102 for eth0 (more or less the master ethernet port) Interface 102 >> Descr: 'IP:-eth0-ETHERNET-THOMSON-SpeedTouch-510-' *** 103 for WAN (the PPPoA connection in my situation) Notice: it's possible that this entry is commented out Interface 103 >> Descr: 'IP:-PPPoA_1-Point-to-Point-THOMSON-SpeedTouch-510-' *** 201-204 Ethernet Ports (track the LAN1/2/3/4 ports) in my example I have enabled 2 ports (ports which are not active will be commented out. Interface 201 >> Descr: 'ETH:-ethport1-THOMSON-SpeedTouch-510-' *** in my default config 601 and 603 Interface 602 >> Descr: 'ADSL:-FAST-CHANNEL-THOMSON-SpeedTouch-510-' Interface 603 >> Descr: 'ADSL:-INTERLEAVED-CHANNEL-THOMSON-SpeedTouch-510-' are also active but no data is entered. So I have no idea what the purpose is. I have deleted it okay, save all settings now you can run MRTG this you should now how it's working. Tip: use also indexmaker Tjsak! Dennis Slagers Apeldoorn NLD www.aroundmyroom.com August, 10 - 2004 This document is published under Creative Commons License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/ When you notice the name of author and refer to the original text and copy this license condition you can copy this text and use it for various purposes.