This is me

Am I requesting for a LOggy? Mwoah I think you deserve it when you get one. No need to ask for one. The only trouble you have is that you need to have your picture at your website available.
Okay for once I will promote myself. Y’ll never know. It’s the inbox experience.
If you are that desperate for more pictures of me: try use the cam Or pick the most handsome guy from my ‘Around The World’ trip holiday pictures
So here I am .. Without glasses. I’ve a little one now.


We notice that prices for Bluetooth are dropping
Soon we will see our products equipped with a bluetooth connection.

As you know Bluetooth will enable lots of new features in you home.

I think you should not be surprised if this will happen ;-)

Oh B.t.w.: It will not take long before I am testing a bluetooth equipped product. Wireless fidelity ..