PayPal Sucks

Yesterday I tried to donate the people of Movable Type with $20
I have to use PayPal, but the system sucks big-time. I signed up and now I have to wait almost a month to get my ‘Secret Number’
Also Signing up is costing money. That sucks 2.
Hey I am dutch. We are Economical ;-)

That’s why PayPal Sucks. It’s using a very slow registration system costing money. UCH.

hi hi .. Imode #2

Mmm I see some people picked-up my entry about Imode 1st of all: I do not know if my site is valid Imode yes or no. Also I read in the comments of Punkey that my page was 13Kb (should be around max. 8Kb.. )
(but it’s 7 days of blogging) ;-)

MoveableType is not really Imode compatible if you want an Imode page like
Thanks Niels for the Link.

The 1st weblog at Imode? no I think someone in Japan is doing this already ;-)
Damn again Modest ;-))