Tomorrow the sun will shine again

Dutch web sites, weblogs, news sites and other stuff on the internet only talk about Pim Fortuyn who died yesterday. TV shows broadcasting interviews etc. etc. etc.
I’m not a journalist I am not a politician so I do not write about it further.
Life is hard. Life sucks sometimes. This is one of the worst thing happened.

Tomorrow the sun will shine again. That’s reality.

Remind this: It’s news when it’s syndicated

I’m happy that I can test the MyHeadlines tool, I will phase out the Headlines from Drupal. (no categories is the main reason and it does have more options onboard than I use or want to have.

Please use the new syndicated newsfeeds
If you use it: try it, and give me feedback.

1. It will use a cookie and will remember your IP so your newsheadlines will be shown when you return
2. You can suggest new XML/RSS/RDF feeds and I can/will add them
3. This service is free/beta and is one of the main topics discussed at this weblog

It’s news when it’s syndicated!