Checking text formatting [2]

Textitle ..

A new way of exporting your content to your webpage

h3. A lowercase ‘h’, followed by the number 1-6, followed with a period (.) and a space begins a heading tag.

h4. The tag will be numbered after the number you specify. The entire block will be enclosed in the header tag.

bq. A lowercase ‘bq.’ and a space will define a blockquote block.

p. A lowercase ‘p.’ and a space will define a paragraph tag. This is the default if no other marker is specified.

# A block beginning with ‘#’ and a space will start a numbered list.
# Each additional new line beginning with ‘#’ and a space will become a new numbered item.

* A block beginning with ‘*’ will start a bulleted list.
* Each additional new line beginning with ‘*’ and a space will become a new bulleted item.

== A block beginning with ‘==’ will cause Textile to turn off its formatting rules until it reaches the ending ‘==’ (which may be at the end of the current paragraph or some later paragraph).

[it’s working]

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