rss / atom

the neverending discussion.
Atom is not RSS and therefore it was not called ie. RSS 3.0
For me it does not matter what kind of format is being used: I choose the tool what can read it. A very good example in the comments of Adam was about images: jpeg, gif, png etc. etc. They are different, have same goal and do exist next to each other without any problem.

Many readers of this weblog know that I run:
offering RSS 0.91 feeds to readers who want to read sites without rss ..
RSS 0.91 does serve my needs and others. The aggegrator can read all formats but does still lack OPML ..

I can understand that some people need extra features other than others
So use what you want to use and not only focus on one certain standard. If your tool does not serve your needs: you need to switch to another tool or wait for an update.