Comment System Movabletype

The comment system of movabletype is not working fine here :-(

– Without registration with TypeKey my server is spammed with a lot of commentspam, so I need more or less TypeKey, but when I use typekey: TypeKey is not working fine:

My MT installation resides on 1 Machine with multiple Domains, So when commenting you are refered to another domain. Here is TypeKey failing to login people correctly and as a result of this: people cannot comment.

This sucks. So my request: try to comment through Typekey at this entry. If succeeding: your comment is placed, if not: e-mail me. And if people have alternative solutions for a simple registration system (like is using I would like to know what tool it is.

Thank you dear reader of this weblog

BattleStar Gallactica

Finally, BattleStar Gallactica (new series) have started at Scifi Channel. Lucky me, I’ve seen the 12 episodes available through Skyone already. Of course through the amazing Bittorrent system. (not seen the scifi episodes on torrent though).

Cause if I have to wait until it arrives at Dutch Television .. Than I have to wait years.

And as fan of the series I will buy the DVD when available.


Ik moet het toegeven: Ik maak zelf podcasts, niet zoveel als ik wil op dit moment, maar dat is eigenlijk de schuld van het niet hebben van een goede microfoon donaties welkom ;-)

Vandaag naar Julius’ 008 lulligvoorje podcast geluisterd. De eerste podcast die ik heb durven uit te zitten. Juist. Julius is irritant.. hij zegt hetzelfde wat ik vaak denk: vaag gelul in de ruimte maar het is leuk om te luisteren.