transfer domain

Okay the story:

First tried to transfer from to (Gandi I use for years now and all my domains are registered there under 1 account

the transfer could not be processed as has a lock protection (a special lock protection) for domains which were bought via ‘NameWinner‘. Trying to unlock created a failure (a script failure). Contacting the support and mailing 3 times solved this issue.

Than trying again to unlock the domain succceeded through Gandi, but still there was a lock on the domain (so actually 2 domain locks). Finding this and removing this lock there was totally no response. After 2 days I finally got a message of dotster about the transfer, please please stay with us bla die bla and the only thing I had to do was wait.
After 5 days: the domainname was transfered to Gandi. Finally.
And I love this domain.

Gerald Zegt……

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Gerald zegt:
Snackonderzoek: 70 procent vrouwen houdt van hard

Uitgegeven: 11 oktober 2005 12:49

NIEUWEGEIN – Bijna drie van de vier vrouwen eet het liefst een harde snack. Mannen geven de voorkeur aan groot en dik. Dat blijkt uit een dinsdag gepubliceerd onderzoek van een notenfabrikant, naar de snackgewoonten van Nederlanders.

Ik bedoel maar.