Conceptronic CH3SNAS firmware 1.03Final Release

Important info: 1.03Final can cause files to become corrupted when copying data with an alternative copy tool, like: Total Commander and/or TeraCopy etc. This has been reported by several users and I could finally reproduce it today.

Therefore please use 1.03b6a again to be sure your copied data will not be corrupted!

New firmware to be expected today /tomorrow. It will be the final 1.03 version

Released: 1.03Final 

  • added Request : PureFTPD supports SIZE and MDTM
  • added Request: SSL support
  • Fixed: HDD1 unable to sleep in Raid1 mode
  • added Request : FTP Server support option -O : ftp logging
  • Refresh only new added files automatically (instantly), so remove the “Refresh” button and Auto Refresh Timer from GUI for UPnP AV server part / I-Tunes part. this will give more stability and better performance. Note: Works through SAMBA shares, FTP is unknown
  • added Request: NFS v3 option enabled (for use with fun_plug: untested)
  • added: scandisk returned
  • Questionmark: fun_plug installation workable? Existing installations seems to work, but I was unable to get it working on my device (from scratsch) <sigh> unrar the funplug put it in the root of Volume_1 .. reboot .. no go :-( I think I do something wrong .. strange: Volume_2 .. worked

Other options requested are scheduled for 1.04 (like the HELO part for Matthijs)

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De annexatie van Borne door Hengelo

Dagblad TC Tubantia begint er alvast maar mee nu ze de nieuwe layout van de krant online hebben gepresenteerd. Geen hyperlink meer voor Borne. Nu is in het slaapdorp toch al weinig te beleven, na de Cotton Expres was er nooit meer een discotheek, dus ja er is gewoon weinig nieuws te vertellen. Maar om dan meteen maar geen ruimte voor het zelfstandige Borne in te ruimen in de nieuwe website vind ik wel heel erg ruiken naar annexatie gedrag….