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Trying to crash: nzbget

I run the latest beta release of nzbget: release 342, especially to have it crash on certain nzb files. But ‘unfortunately’ after 18 days and more than 500GB of download: it is still running as it should

WOW .. this version is stable.. complete siterips, many mp3’s and movies, tv series are downloaded and the script is still working fine even where the nas reaches over 60 degrees celcius. Still in need for someone like to do some scripting to make the unpak script more easy to use and make fun of the unpak of stuff ..

Message to Self: CH3SNAS & Format HDD

Do not, I repeat Do not try to reformat the HDD’s if Fun_Plug is running. It will fail. Root cause is probably the fact that fdisk is showing an segmentation fault (ie. fdisk /dev/sdb)

3x formatting failed when fun_plug was enabled, after disabling the format directly started .. and succeeded.

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Wonderful !.. Found it somewhere in the AVS forum ;-)

Update nzbget.conf

This how-to is outdated. Use this one!

to have the ch3snas working fine with nzbget you need the nzget.conf file
I have adjusted the nzbget.conf delivered with latest beta release nzbget-0.6.0-testing-r269 to have it working with the CH3SNAS and my previous installation instruction. download the new file here you can rename the nzbget.conf.new to nzbget.conf

I’m now checking if there is an updated unpak script yes/no ;-)