Regarding RDC2882 V49 firmware for LANDISK devices RDC is writing that it’s a beta test version and they did not ‘publish’ it to the public The reason for the release is a problem in the SAMBA function in MAC OS 10.5.1 however it seems that in MAC forums people write that there is more or […]

RDC 2891 chipset LANDISK

For those people with a RDC 2891 chipset LANDISK (low-cost) I have managed to get a new kernel driver: kernel-s2891-010b1  There are no release-notes available yet, but I know for sure that a number of stability / compability issues are or will be solved. Just upgrade the file through the webinterface. Note: No warranties. Note: […]

LANDISK – RDC2891 Sourcecode

After long discussion, I finally got a written approval for getting the sourcecode for the RDC based LANDISK (in this case for the RDC 2891 chipset). But probably also usable for the RDC 2882 chipset as the way of firmware upgrade / firmware is the same. As I am not into compiling and not want to brick […]


Just got a confirmation from my contacts: RDC has released NAS-BASIC48 to vendor(s) no loader change. The NAS-BASIC48 has been released to fix Microsoft Vista bugs. indeed in the webinterface there is mention of wget stuff, but there is no function addressed to it yet. Even the release notes of RDC does not mention it I am […]

RDC 2882 chipset LANDISK

Latest news: 2882 is abandoned project and no new support is expected. RDC is focussing on 2891 chipset. Bummer! Loader69 and Loader70 is / are in use, probably has to do with starting various hardware devices.

LANDISK – RDC2882 – Clock Drift?

At 2 different locations (Holland / Spain) I have had tested the Landisk RDC 2882 based with various versions of available firmware: none of the locations was able to report to me the Clock Drift issue reported in the comments. So in short: I cannot reproduce the issue. Also it seems that RDC is abandoning […]

Landisk firmware upgrade

New firmware upgrade: NAS-BASIC47-B4 New beta firmware released by RDC. I’ve uploaded it into my landisk section. There are no release notes but you can use your LANDISK with VISTA now. One issue remains: passwords on folders do not work when trying to access through Vista Release notes for the 47-B4 Big Memory not return […]

LANDISK – RDC2882 – HTML Compile tool

After getting many requests to release the standard tool for creating a binary file for the HTML interface for RDC2882 chipset based lan devices: find the tool here. It is only to use and compile the HTML interface. Be aware that too big HTML files / images etc will certainly break your device. When using […]