Backup data from Server A to Server B using FTP

Message to self: to have all data from servage retrieved directly to the new server this following command can be used. You need SSH on your new server.

lftp -u ‘[username],[password]’ -e “mirror /path /destination/path new server”

This command needs to be entered in a ssh session. As we speak this command is already downloading my data for about 12 hours now ..

Leaving Servage Hosting

After more than 1 year running some of my sites on Servage websites I will stop using them very very soon.

What is the main reason why they suck?

Their support is usesless: issues are not addressed and are kicked back at you telling that your scripts are not ok.

In the last 2 months I have noticed many index.html, index.php files modified with malcious scripts. I noted that a new FTP account suddenly was created and that Hackers from Russia/Ukrain were accessing it.

It took me lot of effort to fix all the files.

My scripts are save, My sites are save. But as they get too easily access to my root I cannot do anything about it. The only thing to solve this issue: leaving servage!

So I am seeking a new simple payable hoster for a lot of files & adult stuff .. Bandwidth must not be a problem, Mysql must be present and unlimited (servage has hidden limitations they do not tell you when you subscribe)

@ servage: not more than 350.000 hits a day can be made. With a normal website this means only about 4000 visitors can access your site than the hits are gone. Mysql: per hour only x sql queries may be made. And if you thought there is no limitation for GB’s per day; yes they have also limitation of around 160GB data a day.

So hidden limitations, hackers can do freely what they want cause logging is bad @ servage and they stick their heads in the sand when customers complain.

Servage; if you want to keep your business you have to do something about it !

Het effect


De afgelopen week stond Lilian met haar internetrecepten op in de paas-special. Dat hebben we geweten. De eerste dag zo rond de 15.000 unieke bezoekers, de dag erop wat minder. (ongeveer 30.000 pagina weergaves voor Google adsense per dag) .. De server verwerkte meer dan 1.000.000 hits per 24 uur (met 2 vingers in de neus). Omdat we thuis maar 1Mbit up hebben heb ik de site gemirrored bij Echter toen we daar over de 400.000 hits gingen vonden ze het tijd worden om te melden dat het een zogenaamde hoge load was op het cluster (zwak excuus, als mijn eigen server het met 2 vingers in de neus afkon en alleen maar last had van de dunnen pijplijn, maar goed voor 7 euro per maand mag je niet zeuren).

Al met al waren deze 2 dagen goed voor iets minder dan 2 keer de normale maandomzet van de adsense inkomsten op onze sites. WOW ..

Leuk om op te staan. Nu kijken of we blijven merken dat mensen terug komen. Want hits trekken is 1, maar blijven trekken is 2 ..

Vanmorgen de site van Lilian op gezet, eens zien of het kudos krijgt en eens kijken of er een ‘GeenStijl’/ GeenRedactie’ effect bestaat, zoals het fark of slashdot effect ;-)

Nope: het effect bestaat (nog) niet. Het trekt een bepaald ‘publiek’ maar dat is het.

New Server + Name @

Today I have subscribed myself to SERVAGE.NET, 250GB of Space, more than 2100GB Traffic. Adult content is allowed and the speed is fast!. Use my Coupon Code: aroundmyroom and get 25GB extra free space. Why pay lots of money when you can have it for only 8.50 EUR a month?

I’ve moved my erotica content to my new storage-disk .. Hey storage-disk? Yup .. is a new domain. So visit and see how fast things goes..

So join and use the coupon: aroundmyroom and euhh.. you get a DOMAIN NAME for FREE !